Thursday, August 7, 2008


To our friends and family:

We have been so busy preparing to leave, there have been few opportunities to stop and reflect.  But Kerrie and I have had a few of those opportunities recently, and we just wanted to let all of you know how much you mean to us.  

There is a selfish, worldly fiber in all of us that occasionally doubts God, challenges him, or doesn't like some of the things he calls us to do.  We have all been there before, and following him to Guatemala has had a share of those moments.  Whether its leaving good friends and family, entering into so much uncertainty, dealing with pride issues (this list goes on), Kerrie and I have had some wonderful wrestling matches with God in the last couple months.  But we stand here today more devoted him, more in love with him, and clinging to him like never before.  

Strangely enough, its in these places of uncertainty and confusion that we can find the most comfort in the person of Jesus.  When we are struggling in this way, and we finally let go, giving in to a life of faith...that's when we wake up and find ourselves wrapped up so tightly in his loving and protective arms.  Then his extraordinary love for us, his promise to never let go of us, takes on a whole new meaning.

We will miss you all so much.  We have not taken for granted our relationships with all of you.  In the last few years, memories of laughs, tears, prayers, worship, meals, and joy fill our hearts and minds as we depart for a new chapter of life.  We will hold tight to those memories...  

Thankfully, God reminds us frequently not to get caught up in our temporary status here on earth, no matter how great it might be.  This may sound crazy, but turning 33 soon, both Kerrie and I feel like we are running out of time to make much of our king Jesus in the short life he gives us.  

Lets run hard after him together - and come before him exhausted having done all we possibly could to bring his kingdom to earth!

Love you all -
Brock & Kerrie


DeepStream said...

Brock and Kerrie,
Here at the Schmidt Home, we are seeking hard after Jesus as we try to hear, try to obey and try to become more like Him every day. Although we are tired most days we find it is in just keeping up with the pace of life we have before us.
We will pray for your specific requests and we trust Jesus already has plans to comfort, provide for and educate your family. As you touch the lonely, unlovely and unwanted I pray that all of Jesus' love love would flow through you and bring peace, joy and hope. Our hands are connected to your hands through our hearts and we praise God to be a part of whatever He leads you to do.
Traveling mercies. Exciting adventures and much love-
The Schmidt Family

Molly said...

We are so excited about sharing your journey (vicariously) with you. I can't wait to see what God has in store for your family. We love you!